Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Bible Club in Agrisu Mare - April 30, 2011

This is the church in Agrisu Mare where we go monthly to have Bible Clubs with these precious children.

Emma is leading the children in songs at the beginning of the Bible Club. Emma lives in Agrisu Mare and as a young teenager she has taken on the huge responsibility of teaching these children about Jesus in a weekly Bible Club.

Emma is the daughter of the pastor, Bro. Florin Balaceanu. She has taken on the job of serving as my translator for Bible Clubs this year. Her English is becoming more developed and she is doing a wonderful job. We have 2 Emma's, so it gets confusing. But the children love and respect both of these young ladies. I appreciate them and their willingness to serve the Lord in this capacity as well.

Now it is time to see if we remember what we heard during the lesson. This week's lesson was about Moses and God leading the Israelites across the Red Sea. The children love to answer the questions and do the word finds. The smaller children enjoy coloring.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    My name is Ruthie Howard and I am a Global Outreach missionary serving in Uganda. I am presently home on furlough and helping my church out with their VBS, June 20-24, in doing "Missionary Moments" each day.
    I would like to talk about different GO missionaries around the world and what type of ministry they are doing. From your blog, it looks as if your outreach is primarily to children.
    Anyway, if possible I would love to send you an e-mail with some questions about you and your ministry. If that works for you, could you send me an e-mail at: reporterruthie@yahoo.com.
    Thank you and God bless you!
    In Him,
    Ruthie Howard
