Thursday, May 27, 2010

More Pictures from Agrisu Mare - May 15, 2010

This couple from England joined us for our Bible Club. Terry and his wife were visiting with Bro. Florin and his family for the weekend. They have been making yearly mission trips to Romania since the mid 1990's. They also minister in other countries as well.
Emma is helping the younger children with the Bile lesson questions.

Answering the Bible questions to see how well they were listening. Our story was about Hannah and how she prayed for Samuel.

Making our craft activity, a pop-up-card.

Going over the Bible questions with some children who came in late. We had a total of 21 children in attendance, plus 5 adults including Buddy and myself.

May 15, 2010 Bible Club in Agrisu Mare

Buddy having fun playing with the children while waiting for others to arrive.

The children playing Simon says as they wait.

The children send their greetings to you all and thank you for your support which makes it possible to have the Bible Clubs with them.

The Children's visit May 8-9, 2010

Here are Dani, Diana, Lori and Andreea. These are the 4 children who lived here in Vinga in our family home from Jan. 2006-April, 2007. They came for a visit for the weekend. They attended the Bible Club on Saturday and then church with us on Sunday morning. We keep in touch with them and try to see them a couple of times each year since their return to live with their mother. They enjoy coming for a visit to Vinga. They are doing good and are growing like weeds. They are in school and seem to be doing well.

Here we are waiting for our pizza.

May 8, 2010 Bible Club in Vinga

Our Bible Story was on knowing what you want to be when you grow up. Jesus knew when He grew up that "He Was Born to Be Our Savior". The children are holding pictures of what they could be when they grow up.

The children are praying and thanking God for Jesus, our Savior.

Group pictures of the children. We had 55 children and 4 workers in attendance.

May 2010 - Looks like we are in the Chicken Business

Above are pictures of Buddy's babies. Believe me their care requires as much attention as looking after a baby. The top picture is of a newly hatched laying hen. It was born on Sunday, May 23. 40 out of 60 eggs hatched and they are growing and doing well. The second picture is of the chickens we are raising for meat. We have around 24 of these. This picture is a few weeks old and they are growing and doing well. We also have 13 grown laying hens which are producing eggs daily.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Walking a necessity in Romania

Walking is a necessity in Romania for many as a means of getting around. It has also become a necessity for us to help maintain our health. Buddy and I have started walking each day in an effort to shed some unwanted and certainly unneeded pounds. We are striving to watch what we eat and exercise to help achieve this goal. Please pray that we can be faithful to accomplish the task.

As we began walking the first few days it was just the two of us. But we began to add a small entourage of the neighborhood children. We have 5 who go with us as we walk. But they learned very quickly it was easier to ride their bicycles instead of walking. Smart kids! We are using this time with the children to teach them and help them improve their English and also invite the children we see along the way to our monthly Bible Club. The next one is this Saturday, May 8th. We had 22 children in April and pray this number will be doubled this month. Our lesson is on "Jesus Was Born to Be Our Savior". We will also share this same lesson in Hunedoara Timisana and Sagu at the Bibles Clubs on May 29.

Happy Mother's Day to all Mothers

We wish each one of you who have the honor of being someone's mother a joyful and wonderful Mother's Day on Sunday, May 9. Also to the many women who do not have children of their own but who are a role model to children you come in contact with.